  NLP Practitioner
Certification Program

(NLP Practitioner Certificate
will be certified by
Dr Richard Bandler)

NLP stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming. It is the study of the way people process information so that you can communicate more effectively with other people. Science Digest describes it as “the most important synthesis of information available today about human communication”.

Developed in 1970s by Dr Richard Bandler and John Grinder, NLP had been used in training consultants, coaches, managers, entrepreneurs, executives-all kinds of people interested in effective personal and professional change. This course will be focusing on to apply the proven NLP techniques in business management and communication.


This interactive and result oriented course is designed to understand the fundamental theories and practices of NLP so that participants can attain peak performance through effective and efficient communication and management in the workplace environment.


This programme comprises 4 modules, with 76 contact hours in total.

Module 1 Essentials of NLP in Business Context 15 contact hours
Module 2 NLP Business Communication Skills 15 contact hours
Module 3 Applying NLP techniques in Business Management 15 contact hours
Module 4 Peak Performance through NLP 15 contact hours
Examination Oral Presentation and Written Examination 6 contact hours
Assignments Independent Study for assignment 10 hours

Mode of Delivery

The programme will be delivered by face to face mini lecture and a variety of learning formats will be used to allow participation of students. Hence, our trainings are designed to maximize the learning experience and we ensure the training involve lots of fun and interactive learning. Various visual and auditory stimuli are introduced as student move through the cycle of knowing (old information) - not knowing (new information) - knowing (learning the new information).

Duration the training, interactive exercises and activities would be adopted together with mini-lecture to ensure participants fully engage. These activities will include:

  • Personal questionnaire (self assessment)
  • Two people exercises
  • Three people exercises
  • Small Group exercises (5-6 people)
  • Role-play
  • Case Study or simulation

Course Content

Module 1: Essentials of NLP in Business Context (15 hours)
Module Outline:

  1. Fundamentals of NLP
  2. NLP Presuppositions and Principles
  3. Outcome base thinking vs. problem base thinking
  4. Modeling of Excellence
  5. Conscious and Unconscious Learning
  6. Levels of learning

Module 2: NLP Business Communication Skills (15 hours)
Module Outline:

  1. Building rapport by matching and mirroring
  2. Effective use of Non verbal communications
  3. NLP Communication model
  4. Core elements of interpersonal skills
  5. Understanding the different style of communication and application in the workplace
  6. Communication skills to uncover deletion, distortion and generalization
  7. Assertiveness in public speaking and presentation
  8. Techniques for upward communication; communication to seniors or supervisors

Module 3: Applying NLP techniques in Business Management (15 hours)Module Outline:

  1. Motivation for core values and empowering beliefs
  2. Language pattern for collaborative coaching
  3. Meta model for clarifying values and beliefs
  4. Milton model for getting shared agreement
  5. Structure of language, surface level and deep level
  6. Managing personal emotion for developing learned optimism

Module 4: Peak Performance Management through NLP (15 hours)Module Outline:

  1. Peak performance and state management
  2. Building resource anchor for developing excellence
  3. Circle of excellence
  4. Critical success factors for congruent thinking
  5. Aligning thoughts, feeling and behavior
  6. Building up the momentum of success
  7. S.M.A.R.T model for goal setting
  8. Logical levels
  9. Strategy for overcoming barriers of success

    Student's Feedback

• Agnes Chiu, Director
  Danny, it has been quite amazing how well you have orchestrated the workshop. It was extremely interactive. You put together in such a simple way for us to comprehend. I can imagine the effort you have put into for our training, you did so well to simplify that so we can digest, I greatly appreciated. You have extracted the essential information for us not with technical terminology or overload us with power point, but totally capture our attention with your humorous (but effective) demonstration and our involvement and participation, having us sitting through the long hours and enjoying at the same time, but most important getting something out of it – Our awareness!!!
Congratulations! I believe you have already led us to step out from our comfort zone. Having the courage to be open and honest, express ourselves in front of each other but able to leave our classroom that evening all FEELING GOOD. Bravo! I think you are brilliant! Our family does feel more connected and closer at hearts with each other !!! NLP tool has revolutionize our relationships.
I am also very impressed how you guide each of us to a self discovery, and invite us to challenge ourselves to step into our trial zone…. I see your genuineness and eagerness to coach us, I guarantee you get a candid response from me, so there is no doubt we can build a very strong rapport. Once again, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart!!!
• Cecilia Wong, Director, Internet Business
  We can feel your energy, your fire burning in your eyes and in your heart. These counts! And the contents and design of the course are completely practical especially meta model!!
• Charine Chan, Professional Coach
  Danny is a charming lecturer that I have ever seen!! Throughout the courses, I am able to realize and perceive the meaning of “Happiness” & “Selfworthiness”.
• Vison Lam, Recruitment Director
  Danny Pin is a walking NLP model, confident, happy and committed (devoted!)!!!!
The greatest value for me is Congruence and communication with our unconscious which lets us understand what we really want!!!
• Philip Chan, Stress Manager
  I never thought that I can take a course after a long periods of educations (8 years) of University, but the course is very comprehensive, practical and useful in daily lives. I can apply it in my everyday life, and for my self improvement plan.
• Marco Chan, 策略顧問及首席導師
• Wai Tong Wong, Counselor
  能夠幫我「活化」自己以往學習過比較表面的NLP知識,知道更多,亦有機會在課堂上練習真正的NLP技巧使用方法!除此之外,非常多謝導師專業的知識指導及在我 (自己) 身上的範例示範,真的令我親切體會到NLP課程/技巧當中的真實性及實用性!希望活用此技巧以助自己生活得更充實及精彩!而且亦能引此技巧燃亮他人!!!
• Eddie Chim, General Manager & Senior Trainer
• Peggy Cheng, Training and Development Manager, Retail Industry
  從未遇過一位導師能身體力行把NLP運用得 ”淋離盡致”,用心教導及協助每一位學員,並得以提升。
• Jenny Yip, Human Resources Manager, Hotel Industry
• Stephen Yung, Training Manager
• Irene Hui, Systems Development Manager, Media Industry
•Ben Fok, Director, Coaching and Training
• Yonnie Wong, Accountant
• Terri Mak, Business Development,
  Danny Pin 的確係一個有心,有行動的導師,從他的預備、付出、安排、說話眼神令人得到好大support、鼓勵。參加此課程,不但得到、認識NLP,更重要是一種難以形容的力量,能應付日常的限制、思想、問題。
最有價值:能夠認識一班真誠開放,有改變的真人分享及改變, 能互相鼓勵,並能應用日常生活中,並認識自己影響自己,世界原來亦可以這般美麗
• Kim Tam , Chief Practitioner in Chinese Medicine
  多謝Danny的靈活教學方法,免除浪費時間及容易吸收,使我們對所學能應用自如。 活學活用,有效地認識NLP 的知識,容易撐握有助于日常運用。
• Dixon, Finance Consultant
  1. 好欣賞你能吸引到/處理到不同personality 之人
2. 幽默感,開心energy flow
3. 不只是為錢,對教學有使命
• Polly Kung
  Danny 對同學真正關心,有真誠為同學給予意見,非常的欣賞這點,謝謝你。 NLP幫助我了解自己,提升自己的潛在能力。認知與人相處的技巧。不在乎外在的考驗,只在乎內在的訓練。
• Lee King Na, Eliza,
  Danny您真的使我學了許多,有如斯機會接觸NLP及這許多同學,當然還有能夠領悟到您出色的教學方法,是最好的啟蒙之物。感謝你的teaching passion。
最有價值:Anchoring, 因為對個人心理提升實在極有幫助。可更認識自我,更了解他人,對改善及建立人際關係更在極有幫助。
• Ki Shu Kong, Tom, Research Technical Enginee
• Yen Liu, Social Welfare
  好多謝Danny帶給我 NLP知識,提升夫婦溝通技巧,及自我提升。導師專業,有愛心,能解答問題。
• Rebecca Lam, Administration Manager
• Ms Vivian Lee, Marketing Manager
• Fanice Liu, Merchandizing Director
這個課程可以洗清心裡一些不知的障礙問題,例如壓力、情緒,亦可更加清楚自己想要的信念。能夠洗清心靈,是我今次最大得益! !
• Kelvin Yeung, Training and Development Manager
• Henry Lai, Trainer and Coach-


Synergy Training Centre Limited
1501 Millennium City 5, 418 Kwun Tong Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tel: 8101 6696    Fax:3007 1207    Email:
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